H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

@komododave: TECHNICALLY, 8j is just 8 times the j unit vector, which could represent velocity, position, acceleration, force etc. etc.

Now playing

Give 'em a few extra axes and put 'em to work doing cool sh!t like this.

@AmishJohn: And those of us who think of a few long metal strands wrapped in plastic that carry electricity?

But won't BMW have to produce a proper wagen to compete in the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters?

Hah, I definitely do not consume 550 gallons of gas each year. Probably closer to 1/5th of that.

@Brian: The C63 impresses me just fine, thank you. I just wish MB would offer a manual transmission.

@Baby beater Benz: More like the driver desperately needed more pine-tree air fresheners and couldn't be bothered with things like parking or doors.

I thought NASCAR tracks went counter-clockwise.

I'd like to see her team up with Ray and write a joint review of the CTS-V wagon (when you get your paws on one). Ray can tell us about the hooning potential and how awesome it is, and Mrs. W can tell us how practical and comfortable and stylish it is.

@Tanshanomi: I knew there was a good reason why I heart-clicky'ed you. That picture drew an audible laugh - brilliant!

Having spent a number of years living in Central and Southern California and driving between the two through Los Angeles, I've seen more than my fair share of automotive idiocy on the 101 and 405 freeways. To go around LA takes about an extra hour, but avoiding all these imbeciles is worth it.

That kid is sooooooooo grounded.

That car is a brilliant piece of automotive artwork, and will probably be a popular exhibit at whatever museum/showroom it winds up in. Nicely done.

@RB26Skyline: Even more so because at 250ppm, or 0.0250%, you stop smelling it because it paralyzes your olfactory nerves.

@Turboner: Nah, you got it right the first time. Took me a while to peel back all the layers of humor to appreciate that onion-of-a-joke for what it was. Well played!

@cubsftw: Nicely put. It's sad, but completely true and completely depressing.

@scsean: Throw a light bar on top and add a siren, some whip antennas, and a gun rack and the Border Patrol has a new best friend.