It came out of the bullpen. You can see the catcher swipe at it as it goes over his head.
It came out of the bullpen. You can see the catcher swipe at it as it goes over his head.
I see a person (presumably male) jumping with a boner.
Though they would never say anything about it publicly, the child of Benjamin Button and Roger Ebert scared the shit out of the neighbors.
I see, so some nogxious fumes led to an eggsplosio—
Hoover might be nuts, but he still wouldn't have signed Tony Romo to an extension.
I read underrated to be....great beers with no recognition. And Koko Brown, Moose Drool get I would say they are very underrated.
Woman: Oh . . . oh my. I guess everything really is bigger in Texas . . .
The fog of smug must affect your taste receptors.
Agreed. Coors is fucking tasty. The generic, blind hatred of all domestic macros is tiring.
We already know this site hates Yuengling, so reading further opinions about beer on this site is worthless.
Coors Banquet....
To clarify, if you'd have been going 93 MPH in an active school zone I'd have probably fired you.
So if they created a World Cup sponsored by the NBA, couldn't the players negotiate some kind of additional salary above and beyond what's in their contract?
Don't a vast majority of these players play basketball frequently in the offseason? Where there would be less medical assistance then at these international competitions?
Talk about a misguided deflection. "International play" caused the gruesome injury? How about the NBA rethinks playing games where the the basket stanchion is only four feet behind the baseline?
IUDs aren't more popular because medical professionals won't let most of us have them. At age 26 I asked my Gyn for an IUD. She flat out refused because I hadn't been pregnant before. I got discouraged and gave up. I understand it is easier insertion and sometimes less side effects in women who have previously…
You may find a doctor who has a different opinion: if a woman wishes to get pregnant, she can get the IUD removed and then attempt to conceive.