
indeed.  plenty of risk and experimentation in indie spaces, but yeah...AAA not so much anymore, sadly.

Single player shooters died with the last Medal of Honor. The cost of dev requires massive day one sales (which just aren’t a thing anymore). Markets lean towards multi-player. The “Games-as-a-service” model works great with this type of thing and ensures that revenue continues to roll in and the team has something to

Looks like the handheld gaming device from Cronenberg’s Existenz

the problem is that states like florida threaten the school’s funding if they have these types of books, so when one parent makes a complaint, it threatens the school’s livelihood and basic operations.  it’s fucked.

great motors.  overall shitty products.

yeah but they legitimately think in their twisted brains that they’re saving children...from being trans.

more proof that the Fast and Furious franchise is just super heroes whose super powers are cars.

purge it with fire.

ikr?  every article makes it sound like it’s causing crashes and non-progress issues.  “game-breaking” means exactly fucking breaks the game and makes it unplayable.  how does this make the game unplayable?  

is it “NetherReam” or “NetherRealm” studios?

is the “find out” stage sort of like the stages of grief?  denial...bargaining...anger...etc.?

yeah, i can’t help that some folks have self control issues. don’t hang your bad impulses on me! :P

if i was the dev i’d just leave this unpatched. i mean, the process to exploit it is a bit convoluted and if people want to do it then more power to them. others can just play the game as intended.  it isn’t game-breaking in the sense that it crashes or makes the game unplayable, so why waste time and resources on it?

sometimes a vasectomy can go sideways.  it happens.  no one needs to know all the gory details.

there’s no way to tell who’s the thing unless you do a blood


addendum:  most all streaming services UX is abysmal (mostly because they think copying each other’s abysmal UX and use of shite sorting algorithms is a good idea).

that and amazon prime’s entire UX is abysmal.

whelp.  need new pants.

she’s not breed-able, so she’ll make a perfect patsy.