
that’s all nice and good, BUT...can i customize every aspect of my characters junk?  that’s the important question that needs answering!


there’s a throughline here to Russian propaganda farms as they have (in the past) directly targeted incel gamer chodes for their psyops.

yeah! so i’m wondering why they didn’t just fall back on that as an explanation? people seem to have beef with ripped peter, but canonically he’s been ripped in the show.

i swear there was an actual family guy episode where peter got ripped?  or am i just having a mandela effect?

i don’t like Final Fantasy games simply due to their stupid naming conventions.

TWO decades ago!  (O_o)

i’m not crying.  you’re crying.

i mean, it’s okay if corps wanna use AI for everything.  capitalism works best with an entirely unpaid labor force.  but people best start talking about how we gonna support all these humans when nobody needs to work!

yeah but i mean...any excuse to put stuff up my ass will do!

right? a zombie MMO would’ve been pretty awesome circa 2012-16 at the heights of the zombie craze, but currently the market is saturated with so much zombie shit its hard to believe anyone would want anymore (good or bad!)

oh shit!  besides drilling a gaping fucking hole in my head, the second most vital thing i need right now is ANOTHER zombie game!

spot on.

not to mention that the Nazi’s first moved all the jews into slums, then starved them of the basics, then basically said, “you know what’s better than starving?  just killing them all.  it’s a mercy!”  (from a system we literally built around them)

for a second i was starting to have a panic attack worrying that i wouldn’t have anything important to get outraged over. thank god! now i can be outraged!  this is a hill i’m definitely going to die on.

anti-paladins were a thing!  (but i definitely dig that a paladin is merely a holy warrior of any aligned god)

next up in patch 6:  tea bagging

sounds about right if you ask me :P

i mean. i’m sure the pandemic had a bit of an impact on the dreadwolf production schedule and it wasn’t bioware or the devs being dicks for fun.  while 6 years for a high-end aaa game isn’t entirely rare, i would certainly consider the lack of a pandemic in the foreseeable future as a good sign it’ll be out before

that’s liara.  i would recognize my shep’s one true love anywhere.