is ESO good? people swore by the Final Fantasy MMO (15? 14? i lose track) but when i played it i was greatly underwhelmed. is there a draw to ESO? is it freemium grind-o-rama? how’s it stack up to the single player games in terms of fun?
is ESO good? people swore by the Final Fantasy MMO (15? 14? i lose track) but when i played it i was greatly underwhelmed. is there a draw to ESO? is it freemium grind-o-rama? how’s it stack up to the single player games in terms of fun?
it boggles my mind that you can simultaneously create a bunch of problems, then offer up the dumbest solutions to those problems.
fuckin’ taco bell...
their faces are stuck like that because they spent too much time suckin’ on donnie’s lil weird mushroom tip.
simpin’ ain’t easy
i volunteer to be the 4th!
how has this dude not found the republican party yet?
yeah! republicans gettin’ that government working for you right away!! /s
thereby proving out the small dick energy theory for everyone.
i think a big factor here is that Unreal Engine and Unity have slowly, silently disrupted the entire model from below. these free engines give a huge amount of power to artists and devs to make pretty much anything. what we’re seeing is the results of these democratizing technologies and their impact on the massive…
i wish an anonymous donor gave my friend and neighbor $70,000 dollars to get herself and her 2 yo daughter away from her controlling and emotionally abusive husband. alas, she tried to do it on her own, couldn’t afford it, and got pulled back into his orbit. next time maybe the anonymous donor could maybe instead…
his face triggers an immediate vom reflex
florida conservatives: well if these girls weren’t such sluts then they wouldn’t deserve to be trafficked now would they?
sounds like its for the best. i’ve tried to work with auteurs like this dude. it’s a nightmare for everyone. they can’t give up even the slightest amount of control, make any sort of compromise, and have to have a direct hand in everything even if they have no idea what it means, how to do it, or what it entails. …
some call it obscene...some call it a fun friday night i guess. /shrug not gonna yuck anyone’s yum here. plus, the atheist in me is lovin’ this.
funny anecdote: at Imagineering, there’s a term they throw around to describe people who are hardcore, super-obsessed fans of everything Disney...”foamers”
not to be pedantic but wanted to point out to Southside that “Spanish” may not quite be the appropriate term to use here either. that said i know his intentions were true and it still sucks that some dickhead said this...though upside: he showed his ass an now we know he’s a racist cockbag.
totes gonna last forever. smell that? it’s the pungent aroma of fascist autocracy on the winds. this is going to be inescapable. some will rejoice. some will fight. most will simply do nothing. that’s why this prophecy will come true.
I went to the PS store to wishlist and am not finding it. You sure it’s available to wishlist today?