agree. and i do like the grey knights.
agree. and i do like the grey knights.
yes. all of this.
yeah! hopefully it does interesting, quirky and strange just right!
this would be rad, and pretty much what my heart yearns for...
definitely. i hope it has a bit of depth from a narrative point of view, but will hopefully still be a fun action game.
fans truly are their own worst enemies. lol. it charts.
Don’t get me wrong, I dig the Grey Knights, probably moreso than most other marine factions/chapters. Darktide does look pretty dope, cautiously optimistic...
Yeah, Inquisitor was pretty fun as a Diablo-clone. Not hugely deep mechanically, but adequate. Hired Gun...see my comments above about that. Visually rich but not a fan of the game play as it relates to the lore of the world. A bit of a jarring juxtaposition. ymmv.
Partially...though I enjoy Necromunda (lore/fluff) specifically because it isn’t the wider Imperium at large. The best parts of Hired Gun are when you’re back at the hub area soaking in the visuals and ambiance, but the combat is just too over-the-top for my tastes (opinion, ymmv). I mean, some ganger wall running and…
like how a Persian cucumber is different than an English cucumber. :P
addendum: i have mechanicus in my backlog! been dying to get into it.
this would be dope
omg totally forgot about this one! tbh i actually never played! for shame!
this charts
the only thing that makes my eyes roll back into my skull is that it is yet again about marines. at least it’s good. will likely buy it, but why not one about an inquisitorial team? or based on a xenos kill team instead? i’d love to play a 40k fps from the point of view of the tau or the aeldari or a kroot or…
but i can make the argument for the entire pregnancy exactly because pro-life can’t prove sentience or consciousness at a certain point either exactly because it relies on spooky thinking to uphold any of their arguments. if you want to talk cognition in the human brain, how it starts, when we begin to become…
so far, the only arguments i’ve seen made are rooted in the esoteric. it only becomes an ethical concern if you begin to believe that a blob of cells gestating inside a woman has some form of “soul” or “life” beyond just the motive forces of cellular life. so not really, because most arguments center around the…
i suppose it’s not made “casually” if you have some sort of convictions as to the life of the fetus/zygote/blob of tissue? for those of us who don’t believe in invisible dudes or ghosts in clouds or santa or the easter bunny, it’s a pretty straightforward decision. but for someone who does have some sort of spooky,…
i can’t help but see a basketball. now you can’t too.