watership down...for cats
watership down...for cats
as a test I just googled my name with hot and just got massive amounts of hot guy orgy porn. i’m okay with this.
great now i’m hungry...and i already had lunch!
kiri kiri kiri kiri
cocaine’s the cat’s pajamas! DING-DONG!
not buyin’ your line. you’re probably paid by russia to sit and comment on stuff like this all day. that or you’re a robot.
said the russian-sponsored internet comment lackey
all this talk of direct and representative democracies has me all worked up. can’t we all just take our close off and make out?
It’s like a living metaphor of the world we live in...a single white dude trying in vain to defend both his frail manhood and dwindling privilege against an ever growing and angry demographic of oppressed people of color with the last symbol of his faltering potency...a gun
the color of that backdrop just makes him disappear! if only he really DID disappear into an orange-yellow haze...
in some ways i’m more inclined to masturbate to the “can y0u successfully masturbate to the fifty shades darker soundtrack” article than the actual “fifty shades darker” soundtrack.
don’t forget: they always have jesus.
i find i do this on ME and DA
boaty mcboatface?
no “Chocolate?” i can’t believe there’s no “Chocolate” on this list.
it’s pronounced “Gyna”
november is seriously questioning her life decisions
who needs CIA intelligence when you’ve got Breitbart?