
QUOTE | "How on Earth do you a) actually get people to realize your game exists, and b) get a critical mass of people to play your game so you actually make money, when literally, every five seconds a new game gets released?" - Gunfire Games founder David Adams, talking about the difficulties of developing games today.

yeah they've got some talented individuals making some fun stuff for them. might have to look into it. not sure if they have multiple developers they hire to make each game, or if they have some large developer doing all of the apps for them? i mentioned in response to another comment the challenges one faces when

that may be an option, though on the other hand such a quiet/small market may not bring enough revenue for us to continue making games. the hardest part of being a start-up, self-funded, indie studio is not making a game, but rather staying in business long enough to make more games. to generate a decent revenue to

it's an iOS game, and we're trying to get the last few levels done; but it's hard when you've funded it entirely from your own pocket. hence why we're courting larger publishers to see if they can get us over the hump and on the store. from what my buddies are saying we got some good feedback, but it seems that our

Throughout GDC I'll hear about 60-hour games and games as services and DLC plans and sketchy monetization strategies. I'll play some cool games, too. Nothing, though, will beat this single, perfect moment. People made a game for the sake of making a game, and it was goddamn beautiful.

i don't get what i'm looking at here...did someone vomit on a tray and then put it in the oven?

then it's my 1st amendment right to call you an asshat, fuck your feelings.

this is the shed where he does all his serial killing...

most excellent!

QUOTE | "Suddenly we're not gods any more...There are gods, and now we just license their engines." - Positech's Cliff Harris, talking about why he hates Unity and other middleware, preferring that indies write their own engines.

evangelists don't believe in those things. only christ works, and failing that, the child MUST be the devil so purge with fire...or abandon it to child rapists.

wait. so they're saying that the children's difficulties in forming close bonds or appropriate relationships was threatening their family? how? i'm only generally familiar with RAD, can it actually lead to sociopathically dangerous behaviors?

i don't really wear any...pants blown off instead.

that's why you just host small parties at your house. fucking friends is best.

my blood is actually thick crude oil

i know something that'll fix lindsay's weak chin right up. upward swing with a shovel to the face.

you brought it up. you think a little blob of tissue is the most precious thing in the world, yet somehow you're totally awesome with leaving a living, breathing, human baby in a box. you can't humanize a blob, and then dehumanize a baby by shoving it in a box. how can you say the blob is precious and then

well, i certainly don't see it forming opinions or influencing the world around it in any meaningful way.

humans are so puzzling sometimes...

it's actually a copy of the French film "Le Fin Absolute du Monde"