I want all female remakes of everything now...Armageddon...Lord of the Rings...Top Gun...
I want all female remakes of everything now...Armageddon...Lord of the Rings...Top Gun...
hehehe, yeah, i liked attack on titan quite a bit; but i still laugh when i think about their near over-use of "action talking" sequences. but seriously watch knights of sedonia. 1) - to support netflix acting as distributer for more anime! 2) - because it's actually a pretty sweet show with some great variations…
methinks he doth protest too much...considering he wants people to come and blast him. ;)
i had to change my pants 4 times after reading this.
Yeah...I've heard about yoga really opening you up...but that's pretty intimate...eh, fuck it, i'll take front. :P
suppose it depends on if you like showin' or you like watchin'?
dear christmas!
Or just buy the Kemper Pedic bed!
Yeah, agree. I always wish the weird straight-jacket monsters got more play time. What with their scurrying under cars and weird chest slits/sphincters spewing acidic goo...
Yeah, telekinesis is all you need. With enough practice and precision control you can start to manipulate stuff on the molecular level...then atomic...then perhaps even smaller...
yes. this times a million.
Yeah, we have actual weapons designed and manufactured for the sole purpose of killing...yet we never use them to actually kill someone who is sentenced to death.
once, when i was in my strapping 20's, i went on a blind trip to rochester, NY to see an older gentleman (who paid the expenses) i had been chatting with online. when i got there he was certainly not at all like his pics, and he invited his neighbor/girlfriend over for a 3-way. i was sorta' stuck between a cock and…
i love you for this .gif
love this article.
...two midgets shitting in a bucket
everyone has their guilty pleasures ;)
I think a lot of people are terrified of the penis.
huh...and all this time i thought justin bieber was just one big walking penis. kinda' crazy to learn he's a person and not a huge dick. still reeling from this revelation.
Hooray abstinence-only sex ed training! :D