
agree, this DEF doesn't seem like it should work, ha. but if you say so!

include me as one of those tried many times, but couldn't get it to work.

ha, touche! i realize now what i was saying was pretty dumb. i just meant i recently pared down my itunes library to just a select few albums, instead of as a repository for allllll my music.

great they FINALLY added ability to sort files, but they need to allow sorting by file type, i mean jc.

use spotify, and you don't have to really worry about meticulously maintaining your music database anymore. one of the sweetest electronic reliefs i've ever known, ha

i like the lights myself, but how bout do something with those dumb tailpipes, might as well made have made them out of brass.


agreed! so tired of these generation webcams, so laggy. usb 2.0 webcams suck, no matter which one or on what hardware, i have never seen one without noticeable lag.

well played, hopefully you 'fired' this client.

nice headline, while cute, this kid is not exactly flying around the UI.

to get this to work, just add a space after your phrase word. works everytime. so for the word yo, enter phrase "yo(plus space)" and then shortcut of "yo"

its not just the american public, i think most people watching the olympics are less interested in long distance races vs sprints. its less popular for a reason. plus who would you rather look like physique wise, a sprinter or marathoner. eh, guess some people do prefer the skinny as hell look, to each their own.

yeah man, agree. also i always preferred yahoo's UI to gmail, but

wake me up when they let you browse by artist

pascals wager, what a reason to have faith in something. actually, in that case, i believe now


i did not enjoy this, i almost had a seizure. i do appreciate the effort though

thats true actually, youre right. also, i never claimed filtering was sorting. still, i'm confused about a sort by relevance, search results are supposed to be already sorted by relevance by default.

ha, 'believe'

sort by relevance? isn't that the basis of google search, lol. also, u can't really have largest AND most relevant, that doesn't make sense really, you'd have to choose one or the other. filtering by a min size i could see...