
At the end of the day you still drive a POS Neon that can’t do anything but go fast in a straight line.

What's the reason behind the new naming scheme? I don't think it did anything positive for Infiniti, so why follow in their footsteps?

Two posts about the exact same thing. You suck at trolling my friend.

Such troll. Much lol.

I can see it now... $5,000 rim upgrades and $40 t-shirts. Naw, I'm pretty sure Tesla's idea is better then that.

"And it doesn't matter who pushed for those laws - that's the price of doing business."

... I get it now, you're too stupid to understand bad laws should be changed! (ps. its a consumer's rights issue)

lolol, at least its nice seeing politicians from other states being as dumb as the ones we have here in IL.

Yeah, why would anyone ever want to change outdated laws? Do women REALLY need to vote?! And don't get me started on those minorities...

Bought my car a year ago. The sales person was nice and and actually knew something about the car. So my experience wasn't bad at all... that being said I've also been to dealer where a sleeze ball tried to tell me the V6 Pontiac GT I was looking at had a Corvette engine and was trying to sell it as NEW with 7,000

When you make a living off of trying to rip off and cheat people the least you could do is donate some of that money to charities. I can't feel bad for sales people who's whole goal is to mark up a car as much as possible to anyone who steps into a dealership.

Make this a stick and they can have my BRZ!

You lose all credibility when you say the front looks like a Lexus. Do you not know how to use Google images?

I know people have their own opinions but yours is wrong and you should feel stupid about saying it in public.

lolololol, 40 year old virgins and their memes.

More exercise, less being a tool on the internet.

Shhhhh, quit crying in your oatmeal like the failure you are and go outside and try doing something productive with your life.

Man, that is so stupid. Considering how bad some drivers (texting, doing makeup, etc) and bicyclists (blowing traffic signals because bicycle) are this is a recipe for disaster.

Real men drive Mini's. Loser's who bitch about the girls who'd never date them and drive C-Classes drive what ever it is you drive.