
“First off there needs to be a change in attitudes about what belongs to men. The workplace is not’s space.”

Condoleezza Rice is a fucking war criminal.

Or! Or... Icing out women is a super obvious thing, and all the men dumb enough to try this strategy will get hit with a civil rights lawsuit so hard their ancestors apologize.

“These photos don’t look good”?

Rice said she didn’t want “to get to a place that men start to think, ‘Well, maybe it’s just better not to have women around.’ I’ve heard a little bit of that. And it, it worries me,” she said.

Seal, please shut the fuck up. The reason why there are so many incriminating photos of celebrities palling around with Weinstein was because he was a virus who ingratiated himself with anyone who had influence. And I find it a tad sexist that only women are being criticized with their associations with known male

They love to pretend their ancestors weren’t raping black women and other WoC..

She’s love hoarding: trying to store up as much relationship as possible against the day he leaves. It sounds a lot like she left her husband for this guy so she’s probably twice as frantic about it.

My motto for 2018 of #SwiftAndBrutalReprisals seems to be coming true. This pleases me.

I started laughing so hard when she asked him if he supported universal healthcare and he immediately diverted by talking about the NFL. It was so obvious he wasn’t able to give a straight answer.

In the event that the rapture does happen, and all of these hypocritical shit stains get taken up onto the lord or wherever it is the righteous are supposed to go, I want to stay in hell because I will not spend eternity with these assholes.

Lennay is such a pretty name. You must be very happy.

It’s almost as though predatory men understand social power and deliberately prey on people with less power while presenting a polite public face to those with enough social capital to present a problematic target for their predations as a cover. Almost.

I’m not for this “Scandinavia is a racial Shangri-La” stuff. That is a sentiment that is readily debunked. Nowhere in the world is free of anti-blackness, if the population is pressed hard enough (i.e. the minority population rises from being “interesting and insignificant” to “wait, y’all are here for real?”). See:

Connecticut hoods are an interesting beast. They aren’t as scary as what you in New York, but there’s so little opportunity and so isolated from the larger state that they produce the lest fuck having people on God’s Green Earth. They all aren’t out that, but when they do, they’ll shoot people over some basic ass New

Unfortunately, when I hear a man wax poetic about equal treatment for women and how he is a feminist, I start to get suspicious. That’s where we are, folks.

Chuck is absolutely detestable. He doesn't care about Jimmy not practicing law because of his tendencies to skirt the law, he cares out of pure egotism. He's been overshadowed by Jimmy his whole life in everything else and he just can't handle the fact that his scumbag little brother could be successful in the same

Ah gotcha. If you ask me, given what happened with their mom and all that he's done to Jimmy since, Chuck deserved everything he got in the ER.

Chuck wasn't breaking my heart. Chuck's reaction to Jimmy was breaking my heart. Jimmy is trying to ease their pain by reminiscing about good times with their mother on her birthday and Chuck's reaction is to focus on how Jimmy screwed up that night. Fuck that guy. He can't even be sympathetic when he's at his