
I think it was for old Barbara.

That classroom picture has my blood boiling.

Yeah, I totally agree with you about Monet’s lipsync. She killed it last week, but this time I was like she’s pulling so many stunts that I can’t keep up. Desperate is the word.

Young man? He’s 36.

There are these islands called the Caribbean....

Whaaaaa? I just did a full-on head shake at the confusion in this.

I’m dying laughing at this. There was a public service announcement that used to run when I was in college targeted at white parents whose kids wouldn’t listen to them. It went something like: if your kid keeps breaking curfew or not telling you where they’ve been follow these few steps... blah blah blah.

The three employees who denied them entry have been fired. The excuse the woman who demanded he scan his ID -again- is using is that she wasn’t on her shift when they originally scanned in so she didn’t know he had done it.

Thank you because I really wanted to see some non-Western shoes.

I speak ill of the dead. I think the people who came up with that etiquette were assholes who knew they were assholes, saw how previously alive assholes were spoken of after their deaths and knew they would be remembered as assholes.


I love it. Been telling everyone about it and I’ve never really liked Tracy Morgan.

You have to remember that in these peoples’ minds the truth is always that the big, scary Black man or uppity Black woman was causing all the problems. I can guarantee you that he has literally no idea what actually happened other than he got to control a young Black teen for a few minutes and even attempted to kill

I just reminded that commenter of who was responsible for turning high pressure hoses on Blacks in Birmingham. Firefighters are the second worst.

Uhhh... you have seen film of Civil Rights protesters being hosed with high-pressure water? Who do you think was behind that?

I think John Mulaney is a great standup and I’ve loved the guy since I first heard of him on Best Week Ever.

Here here!

I hear you on that. Open relationships would never be something I could do and I’m not trying to shame those who want them.

Oh, I don’t disagree with that by any means. It was blindingly white.

I cannot stand that old trope that Black folk are locked into supporting one party. That’s such an insult. We are not a monolith and can think for ourselves. These blanket statements take away the agency of each and every Black person who doesn’t vote Republican. I mean the idea that the only people who aren’t sheep