
Scott Pruitt is 49 years old!!!!!

I can’t imagine anyone but an asshole would make such a ghoulish post. She clearly wasn’t connecting the two and I wouldn’t have connected it to Whitney unless headlines hadn’t said so.

I typed what I typed.

I totally agree with you. I think there are two different conversations going on and the Vixen kind of manipulated that situation so that she could speak about reality contestants and race. Fine. We all know how white Drag Race has been and how the Black queens get extra shit from fans. They don’t draw the same

As a Black woman, I’ve never liked Sixteen Candles. There’s a line or two about Black folk in there that put me off immediately and the racism toward Asians is deplorable.

I’d rather she’d ended up with Duckie. I know that movie by heart and just watched it on a flight recently. Wow! I never liked Blaine, but he was way more shitty through my 40-year-old eyes.

Perfect response. I have to tell this to my mom all the time when she talks about couples that we know of her generation and assumes they must be the perfect match because they’ve lasted so long.

I think this was mainly because in that initial interview she said she didn’t know anything about the Royal Family or anything about him. Jezebel probably should have noted that in this write-up.

Read your history. He may have had some issues post-Robben Island, but he wasn’t playing with Afrikaners earlier in his activism. He was ready to fight violence with violence and, on some occasions, did.

Tell it so the back rows can hear it.

Ok. The Boers and British took over that country by the most violent means and apartheid oppressed Black South Africans, but let’s just all keep turning the other cheek.

Totally agree with this.

Thank you for responding with that because I’m in the kind of mood today where I was about to GO OFF.

I’m not sure why she gave dealers a cut unless they tipped her off to who would be carrying and when.

Beautiful! I want all of those clothes.

Reread my original reply to the original story. I asked if there would be coverage of it. This is a news aggregator. All I wanted to know was would there be coverage of this specific discussion that’s going on all over the internet. I never gave my personal opinion.

Always go with your gut. You did the right thing.

Was talking to a coworker a few years back and he said he doesn’t get why understanding is even part of the equation. It should always be love first. Understand if you want to, but if you love me understanding will eventually come. That’s really unconditional love.

Thank you. That’s literally all I want to know.

I, frankly, don’t know how they decided which team won. There was soooo much dialogue in those scenes. It’s like did the people who run this show forget that we don’t know the lyrics and, since this is the first time we’re hearing them, we’re missing a ton of content? I couldn’t keep up.