
Kathy. Thanks for all lives mattering this, yourself.

Ugh. There is so much here that I can’t even.

Universe forbid your daughters ever fall short of your expectations of the purest Black feminism.

If you’ve lost a family member to police murder, you have my greatest sympathies. I’m a survivor of DV who knows exactly what the white power structure has done to our communities.

Good point.

But does she... really?

I know. It sucks. They get you coming and going.

There’s a pretty prominent Black official in the city where I live who told me not to use an ancestry site. This person got all C-O-N-spiracy on it and was saying with the political climate we’re in, police killing Black folk left and right, why would I do that?

I forgot about that. That was foul.

I have never liked R Kelly so anything he’s connected to I’ve missed for more than 20 years. I didn’t know about the stuff with Snoop and Jay.

Maybe you only knew of her during/post-Baby Phat.

Yeah, I got that.

I know, right?


Good luck on that since you aren’t even equating the value of Black feminist voices, the Root and other Black folks to that of your own. You’re calling us prejudiced because we don’t see the world as you see it.

I actually never watched it. I could tell from the previews it wasn’t for me.

Yeah, it’s pretty gross. They claim they want to be all in this together, but shout down Black women’s voices because we’re not saying what they want to hear.

Isn’t it?

As a woman interviewed by the Root said earlier this week: “Racism is white people’s problem. They started it. They need to fix it.”

Good for you.