
Co-signing with BorgCubed.

Try some higher order thinking here, please.

You are so right. She’s going to white savior herself all over the place before maybe bringing up that she watches Scandal and listens to Beyonce.

This was the first I’d heard of that as well. I’m always on the Root and Jezebel.

I was thinking the same thing when I saw her statement. As a GenX Black woman, Girls and all of its shit was never for me. I actually never got it.

Why? Why do you still need her to specifically speak out to you? Why is there always a caveat when Black feminists or feminist of color do something because you weren’t included. Welcome to it.

Very true.

Getting a child back does not involve Instagram posts and flying a plane over a school. It involves listening to the judge, being pragmatic and putting your child first. As it turned out the judge thought the gestures were dramatic, but not outside the bounds of the order. I highly disagree but, as someone noted here

Thank you. You’ve nailed the cycle.

That’s not how the cycle of abuse actually works at all. But, it’s good to know that my mom posts on as DeniseAnn.

1. Don’t curse at me.

TMZ’s always in the baggage claim or at the skycaps’ entrance of departures.

And Dan’s bipolar mom on Roseanne.

I had a pretty big crush on my good friend/classmate’s live-in boyfriend for a year. He was my exact type, gorgeous, got along with my family, and because of some weird circumstances, we spent a ton of time together. We actually had more in common than the two of them but, when a dude is taken, I act totally asexual

I removed myself from one of the people who was highly physically and emotionally abusive - no more contact.

I would just leave it alone and keep on moving. You don’t like her and distanced yourself from the group, so it doesn’t seem as though there’s anything left.

Good for you!

Thanks for posting this. I’ve never heard of Vanessa James. I haven’t watched ice skating since Surya Bonaly.

I’m obviously not the Gibsons’ judge.

If you feel that you want to leave if/when your mother ridicules you, do it.