Bryce Livingston

Thanks Bart. Honestly, I'm more worried about why so many Black Mirror fans misunderstood the plot of a Black Mirror episode in the first place. My comments aren't an argument. All I did, literally, was recount the events of the story.

See: "highly sophisticated". Yes, in our world, date rape drugs will make their victims pass out or become paralyzed. (It's not as clear cut as you probably think, though. There are lots of different drugs and under many of them you would appear very drunk to an outsider).

The part where she is fed what are essentially highly sophisticated date rape drugs and forced to have sex.

Why on earth do you think they would *stop* giving their forced porn stars Cuppliance? In the video, she is very clearly drugged up. And it makes sense that she is. Cuppliance is not a rare or overly expensive substance for the people who use it; it's handed to Abi and Bing as if it were apple juice. If you were a sex

"torturing a broke Bing with her ads"…. um, Abi's being RAPED. That's why Bing's so upset. Did you not get that???