Bryan Van Kampen

Thank you for reading my thoughts. There are some valid criticisms of Apple to be made, without a doubt. But these are not them.

Wow! Great post! iPhone 11 didn’t include:
Pointless charging gimmick
Pencil with nowhere to put it?
New cellular technology that nobody is clamoring for and .02% of the population has access to.
That one thing that apple said they’d never have on phones (is 256GB not enough??)
Ports removed generations ago
Hard hitting

The worst of all are low-profile runflat tires. The sidewalls might as well be cast iron. And wheels get destroyed constantly. My BMW 328i with 17" 45-series RFTs wasn’t awful, but the sport package cars on 18" or 19" were just completely attrocious. And replacing the OEM tires with non-RFT performance tires made it

Op: doesn’t want to make a poor life choice

I’m surprised a GRID-IT isn’t one of the recommendations, considering how well it pairs with all of the other gear. It’s amazing how much more spacious and organized your laptop bag/backpack can feel when all of the cables, chargers, and batteries aren’t in a giant pile at the bottom of the bag.

The irony of this post is that lifehacker is only available in eye-searing white without a browser plugin.

Are you proud of the fact that you’re overworked by whatever shitty organization you work for?

So... either this is a massive coincidence or incredibly shitty because my good friend had a viral tweet about basically this exact thing last week. Really hoping for the coincidence part but I have my doubts.

Being a resident of the city, I was preparing a vicious type-o filled response to your subjective advice, but then I realized I hadn’t had my morning beer yet so I should probably hold off.

No touching!

Oh, you sweet summer child. A lot of the ones near me have revamped to add this, but in ye olden times, most theaters I ever went to (and some still) don’t have reserved seating. Half the reason lines would wind around the block before a movie premiere was because if you didn’t get there early, you didn’t get a good

Hmm, here in Chicago, that thing would be red all the damn time!

In fairness, I (a fully grown hooman) would have done the same thing.

you sound like a good time.

Oooh! Does that mean we can ask Catholic Lawmakers to renounce the Pope and reaffirm their Allegiance to America?

Money can't buy happiness? Bullshit. You know what money can buy you? A fucking waverunner. You ever see people frowning while they are on a god damn waverunner? No, you don't.

My only issue is with the skullcap headphones. Why!?

How about "dual (or more) monitor"? :) If you got the hardware to support them, once you got more monitors you'll wonder how you'd ever got by without them.

Seriously? No on e mentioned the right angle rule? Simply take all your stuff, stack as needed, square up all piles and orient them so the edges are parallel or at right angles to the desk edges. Looks organized. Same piles just neater. Been fooling bosses for over 40 years with this one.

Act One...