JT Dawwg

Ugh anything with Marty is a miss with me.

Adding a little bit more, what was your least favorite?

Crack the Whip
Too Short to Ride

Wow it just occurred to me on how…. average Smokey Quartz is. With Opal and Sardonyx, they have that cool, alien look to them, and Stevonnie has an almost regal look that seems otherworldly. I'm praising this of course because it perfectly fits the two, and the yo-yo is random yet somehow badass.

I haven't seen those, but "French-produced" and "quality" is almost guaranteed nowadays.

Ugh Wabbit was a fucking mess, and Be Cool tried to be some surrealist adult comedy for kids, but that went south fast.

It has Sardonyx, of COURSE it'll be amazing!
(clutches to stomach out of fear)

Really the early eps had heavy foreshadowing to future events, and I give this one points for a new Peri ability.

I think it was a clash of styles, you can only really go one way, and even then you have to go ALL THE WAY.

Ah Duck Amuck, the What's Opera Doc? of Daffy Duck cartoons.

Can confirm that Boomerang is no longer the showcase of classic toons, just a blander, half-assed version of CN.

Rare miss from SU, fun ep but yeah the show is at the point where it needs to commit to its own rules and physics. It was cute but coming after "Bubbled" it felt empty.

I feel like I'm a Leggy, but when that angst brews in I'm more like Eyeball.

FYI there are people that STILL think Onion is a gem.


That would seem like the most logical scenario, traumatic event leading to her permanent cause for everything good.

I ain't buying Rose shattering Pink Diamond. Pearl's shivering in terror seems like a good indicator something related to it happened, but I cant see Rose killing off a Gem while she confronted Bismuth about the same thing.

"Nooooooo, stay away from us you bruuuuute!"

I can't even remotely think of a scenario with Jasper using that in a heated battle.

You're mistaking Lapis with Bob.