JT Dawwg

What I like most is that they have a genuinely endearing relationship, backed up with some spot-on chemistry, I can't help but root for them, even when Carol was basically trying to dodge her from gossiping.

Who hasn't dealt with a fresh farting cushion?

It's insane how good Schaal is at voice acting, but she's something else on-screen. I'm a fan of Forte's, haven't seen too much from the other cast, but this show is up their comedic alleys.

I'll definitely give it a watch, I watched the early eps and really liked the premise, but didnt commit.

Meh I dunno comparing this to "Deep Space Homer" is giving it too much credit. Homer/Bart vs Flanders was funny, wish it had a better climax but it didn't feel rushed or too overbearing.

First time really watching the show, and I freaking love Kristen Schaal here. Forte breaking down midway through his song and tapping the beats had me laughing way harder than it let on.

I'm holding out hope of course, and if there's any show with mileage left in it, it's definitely AT. At least they actually gave mention to the block.

Thats the crazy thing. CN and Adult Swim are both on the same channel, both owned by Time Warner. They could easily just bump AS back to 9, and move it back to Thursdays.

Man I hope Regular Show and AT aren't going to the slaughterhouse being dropped on Saturdays. I never want to hear AT being cancelled because "lol, ratings suck."

Fuck man, you tease Huntress Wizard and Finn, but nah two of the same dont belong together right?

From the Melon Smashers, to the Vase Breakers, to the Couch Burners

It had a great flow for a nothing ep, and had plenty of tender scenes to balance out the funny bits. Really good in my books.

Meh B+ for me. I love eps that have Louise showing genuine emotion, and this was a nice touch. The lines were funny, Bob's "John Stain-mos" was my favorite of the bit, and everyone had a nice part.

It's definitely an invalid argument, when really the show has been off the wall since the first season, go back to "What Is Life?" as a nice example what the show was capable of. I dont see the experimenting as a bad thing at all, because it made AT unique as a show without limits.

I hear folks seeing it as too "experimental," which honestly it was, but I thought they pulled it off really well. Throw in a few mediocre eps in the mix and it's suddenly called a "bad season," which is too far from the truth.

Ah damn Im off my game today. Thanks for correcting me, now I have to wait even longer…

Really? Any idea when then?

SU is running new eps next week, on 3/11 I believe. About Gumball, no idea.

Aw damn my anime reflexes failed me. I'm a Ramsey guy, it's how I operate.

Anybody feel the chili judge was a spoof off One Punch Man?