JT Dawwg

Looking back, how the hell wasn't Anomalisa a nom in Best Screenplay?

Hey look, its Stanford!

Nominees for worst segment of the Oscars this year seem like a sure thing…

For a guy who needs to catch up on his share of Arrow, this didnt punish me as much as I thought it would. And Kendra being the hot girl of the team, so much for assassin babes..

From sheer comedy this was an easy B+ for me. Weak plot, but funny as hell.

This show is so good at coasting, it made an ep with a meh plot pretty damn enjoyable with some quotable lines. I thought things ended a bit too squeaky-clean for me, and I was sure Bob & Gyro had some sexual chemistry going on, but nope.

*ahem*, thats the butt-lar to you, pal.

Theyd rather show two children being sacrificed to the Giza God than showing two men kissing. No deal!

Gravity Falls: the leading innovator in animated kaiju battles.

Lets not forgot that horrifying death scene. Holy shit.

I honestly perfectly understand how you feel lol.

Crazy how we work, when loved ones depart we're a tad bit fine, but when the animal has to go, then we're bawling.

100% agree with Ponyhead, shes the Star equal of Party Horse.

My only true regret was that I never got to watch the show then follow up with the AVC community, until very recently. But you guys made this show even more special for me, and it was a treat sharing our fandom & nerdgasms for this amazing piece of work. For all I know, this is only the beginning.


If you have a handy gay-dar, there you have it.

Def my slightest nitpick, but you could feel they had VERY little time to cram it all in and still let scenes breathe.

This was worth the entire hour of constantly refreshing. Next summer wont be the same unfortunately.

Ok, I cried watching them part ways, and now I'm tearing up because this is it. The one. The episode we all saw coming, and the episode that gave it all and made this one of the all-time greatest in animation. Ive waited all day to type this, and now I dont know what to say.

Darwin bitch slapping the baby vulture already is for me.