JT Dawwg

My Tuesdays finally have some life, pretty stoked for Supergirl too (be sure Synder is NOWHERE near the show's writimg/directing/producing/anything).

Damn those previews were fucking nonstop. Two weeks of the same preview= Jerryboree + the prison camp of Mortys


That sounds really cool actually, the house party I mean. I'd imagine theres a good amount of GF in there.

Nonononono dont'cha spoil it!!

SU's baaaaack biiiiiitch! Solid ep, finally get to see some Connie action away from the Gem fam. That ending was all too sweet- not Lion 3 level sweet, but DAMN it packed a punch. Also, is this the first the Gems aren't involved or shown in the entire ep? It's pretty jarring I gotta say.

I got a real soft spot for Dubstep, thats legit how I felt when I first heard dubstep, y'know…. without the teeth-pulling..

Wow, what a way to go out on. Gotta admit I was stumped on the ending at first, even after they said biiiiitch, but its such an amazing callback to what started it off. I loved how they compared what K&P might be seen when it comes to status and significance to other famous shows, who knows in 10 yrs we may see K&P in

Still clamoring for the crossover of GF and R&M that will never happen. Just wanna hear Dipper unleash his true angst ("DAMN IT MABEL, STOP DOODLING IN THE F'N JOURNAL!!")

Now this was an awesome ep. GF may seem likes its running into to a corner as the secrets start getting revealed, but as far as we know, they're just getting warmed up with the mysteries. Keep em funny, endearing, and eccentric, and we'll be begging for more.

This was definitely a step up from last weeks episode, which wasnt bad, it just kinda lost itself along the way. Peele should seriously step away from doing Tyson impressions, because he's so fucking good at it, that stare is the stuff of horror…

Rick & Morty delivers another great episode, but the writer draws a nice point. R&M had (in my opinion) one of the best first seasons Ive seen from any show, so by the time a delayed 2nd season pops up, our expectations are gonna be pretty fucking high.

The type of grandpa kids need- just so they can shatter their little bubble of confidence and tell em straight up.

After a freaking year its awesome to have this gem of a show back.

Im sorry sir but I only do it in its purest form, rather than sin in your wretched ways.

Introduuuuuucing…. the newest member of the R&M comment communityyyy…..

This reflected how 11 mins isn't always the ideal time for emotional storytelling, but they still did a great job with the dense script tonight.

Great way to boost them ratings, says the network suits

Wake up

Better chances of getting fossilized in amber then seeing a new episode of Gravity this month.