
He didnt have the same snarky charisma that I really liked with Joel Kinnaman.

The 501st endorse your assessment...

I keep saying we need to adopt a Mandalorian way of life, clothing-wise if nothing else.

Aang was always going to be a stretch, but because Canada subsidizes and requires TV programming with representative First Nation and Quebecois casts, there is actually quite a lineup of indigenous Canadian actors!

It was odd that they were doing costume tests and greenscreen tests (some photos leaked online) using stand-ins rather than the actual actors, so I’m starting to think that Netflix chickened out of using ethnic-appropriate actors. I suspect that hardcore adherence to the show wasn’t going to happen (the number of

Netflix churns and burns through series, and often dumps them in their entirety with relatively little promotion (before canceling them two seasons in because they no longer drive subscriptions). I’m not super-surprised that Netflix wasn’t particularly helpful in the development process.

I hate to say it, but I’m a little relieved. There was no way the series would or could live up to expectations, even with Bryke involved. Exhibit A is Korra; very good but deeply flawed. ATLA was a lightning in a bottle creation, and I’d be content if it were to be left alone and (almost) perfect.

There is actually a prequel about Avatar Kyoshi already in existence. Two short novels at this point called Rise of Kyoshi and The Shadow of Kyoshi have been released thus far:

Whelp, there goes my interest in this project.

Whelp, there goes my interest in this project.

We don’t need a Live Action Avatar The Last Airbender adaptation. The original series is perfect and the less said about the M. Night. Shymalan movie the better.

so... how do you pronounce “Kuang”? I’m Chinese Canadian and I don’t know. It’s never been a name I’ve come across. There have been Chinese last names of people I do know, that I may mispronounce because I forget (like Leung, Ngau). I’ve had people make bad puns of my name, and that didn’t bother me, so I don’t really

I want to be sympathetic, but calling the name mispronunciation a “micro-aggression” seems a bit much.

The height of narcissism is being offended by people mispronouncing your last name, especially if its root is in a foreign tongue. The equivalent of assholes who pick apart an immigrant speech for not being perfect or making malapropisms. Also, a lot of names require your tongue to due things it has not done before in

The mispronunciation of names seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill. It happens. I’m sure he tried his best, but it’s not like he’s going to automatically know how to pronounce every name. My last name is Fench Canadian. 9 out of 10 Americans get it wrong. I correct them and move on. I can’t expect them to

The comics character is Greek, I don’t recall the show doing anything to change explicitly change that.

But Elodie Yung is half Cambodian, and the show did cast a recognizably East Asian actress to play young Elektra. Meanwhile there’s Asian people in Greece.

But I can absolutely see that being an example of the

That’s what I was thinking also. Yen is the only Asian actor I can remember in any of the Blade films. That’s a weird statement. 

Question, wasn’t Elektra supposed to be Greek?

There was three previous Marvel movies—a trilogy called Blade—where Wesley Snipes kills 200 Asians each movie; nobody gives a shit, so don’t write about Nobu and Gao,’