
Eh, I’m 60 and don’t even OWN a collared shirt (I assume Dickies don’t count), much less a tie or a pair of dress pants. Never even tried on a suit, much less worn one. Ditto tux. I’m 10000% Team Red Bull on this one. You only need that crap if you go out of your way to need it.

He doesn’t have a business that he needs to pay “protection money” for. 

Now thats I dont wanna say a deep cut, but daaaaamn. Well played.

Well done!

Indeed. The unfortunate part is this would fly 20,000 ft. over the head of 80% of the American public.

I mean, why not just give the people what they want:

You’ve got the time that Apollo 11 and 17 spent on the moon wrong. The 2 hours and 31 minutes that you have for Apollo 11 is the EVA time (time spent outside the lander).  Apollo 11 was on the moon for a little over 21 hours.  You have the same mistake for Apollo 17.  The 22 hours you listed was again the total EVA

I don’t think the timing on this is right. The Great Society legislation was all passed in 1965 with the most expensive items underway by 1966, and NASA’s peak funding year was in 1966 a year later - clearly the major ramp-up in social spending didn’t restrict further spending on NASA.

 Simply because Elmo is involved is the best reason to cancel the program 

A budget with two lines items would be a simple thing to balance, but does not exist in reality. We can’t forget that LBJ’s considerations also included spending millions (billions?) in Vietnam, to say nothing of the lives expended, with the sole intention of preventing a Chinese version of the Eastern Bloc. Military

Yep. 100% “SEE HOW BADASS I AM (please don’t laugh at me)?!”

I’ve seen them on pickup trucks just waiting to tear the crap out of any pedestrian’s legs who happens not to see them jutting beyond the side of the vehicle as they try to squeeze in to get into their own car; these are not often parked within the lines. Not as much a shin buster as the never-removed, never used,

Now I want them for my Volt.

I always figured these were just the equivalent of truck nuts for semi drivers. Now I know that...well, they’re only 95% equivalent to truck nuts.

Is there really anyone reading this who has never wandered down the dumb shit aisle at a truck stop?

I once knew a drummer whose day job was in my office, and loved the Element because she could get the drum kit in back with minimal disassembly, yet the gas mileage and driving experience were quite decent in her commute and non-gig errands.

Dude.... When he was president last time I spent the entire 4 years fired up. Donated to charities and legal nonprofits, called and emailed my reps, attended protests and marches, so on and so on.

NONE of that made one fucking difference. NONE. He literally got away with all of it whereas anyone else would be sitting

This isnt even news anymore.

Just stop. I intend to more or less turn off the news for the next 4 years. We know he’s a piece of shit as are his supporters. We know he got away with it all. We know that a shit ton or really stupid Americans voted for him. We know its going to be a shit show for the next 4 years.  Let them tear one another apart. 

Before we target the AI servers, let’s first address the crypto bitcoin mining boondoggle first. Now that is a monumental waste of energy.