
That was just name and rule changes. The races, drivers, and even cars initially were a continuation. 

Counterpoint: The Impossible Victory of Tazio Nuvolari into the 1935 German Grand Prix which many regard as the greatest win in all of motor racing history.

Nah. Don’t like either Cruise or NASCAR.

Imminent domain.

Lock him up and deport him immediately!

The internet. Yeah, a lot people are starting to wonder if we wouldn’t have been better off without it.

My point wasn’t about the Malibu per se, there’s the Camry, the Accord, and a couple of others similar in size and price. The issue is the cost, it’s just ridiculous. I’ve bought a lot of cars over the years, mostly new, but I think I’m done. I’ve got three currently and my most recent is a 2017 Giulia Ti that I

Rich asshats gonna do asshattery.

I had an 05 Focus wagon, and worked on Fords at a dealership at the time. I don’t remember this at all. Was the “lifetime” air filter an options or something?


The crew on the ISS better start studying how Sandra Bullock manages in Gravity.

This guy is destined for bankruptcy court.

At some point it seems like someone with actual power to do something about it should ask the obvious question: why are these goddamned things allowed on our roads?

If Trump wins, I was planning on waiting about six months to move all my 401K money from a growth fund to a money market fund to ride out the inevitable crash. Now I’m starting to think I should do it immediately.

Trump is like what would happen if Lex Luthor and the Joker had a hate child and it was raised by Adolf Hitler.

Elon Musk is the boy who cried autonomy too many times.

I never use /s. I trust the intelligence of the reader.

If only there some kind of remote, OnStar like thing that could be triggered to lock thieves in stolen cars and then have them self-destruct. A computerized voice could do a countdown from say 30 seconds (maybe less, testing would need to be done) while interjecting little comments like “don’t you wish that you’d

Great, now you’ve given Musk the idea.

There’s a lot of that going on these days. See: Trump, Donald.