
And a MAGA hat.

I’ve always thought that people who vape look even dumber than people that smoke, if that’s somehow possible.

Bad parenting can lead to a life of crime that can cause misery everyone who comes into contact with the kid throughout his life. Just look at the example of Donald Trump.

The correct response from the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority employee that Teslatino spoke to should have been “Tesla compatible charging stations, yeah sure. I’ll uh, just check with the boys down at the operations headquarters. They uh, got uh, dozens more linemen working on the case. They’ve got us worki

They’re gonna die there. And if when the trucks have battery fires, it’s going to melt the polar ice cap.

Team Orca: Ocean Police metes out its own brand of watery justice again!

“I love the poorly educated.”

This sounds like a job for Team Orca: Ocean Police.

This is like have poor relatives come to visit for a few days and then can’t leave because their car breaks down and their mobile home was destroyed by a hurricane.

I don’t care for either, but if I was forced like bike companies are doing, I’d go with wireless. Wired electronic connections can get messed up in many ways and the planned obsolescence of bike parts these days makes it almost impossible to find replacements even a couple of years down the road.

Actually, bike manufacturers are forcing you. Most new road frames from Colnago, Pinarello, and other high end bikes brands are only compatible with electronic and in particular wireless derailleurs now. The only Pinarello road bike that will work with mechanical shifting is the lowest end (still a great frame) X1. It

I’m a cyclist and I refuse to be forced into using electronic shifting. I have the latest Campagnolo Record 12 speed disc brake/mechanical shifting gruppo on my 2024 Pinarello. The shifting works great and it’s got no batteries that have to be charged and that will be impossible to find replacements for in a couple of

That’s rich coming from a state government that violates women’s and girl's rights by forcing them to have the children of the relatives who raped them and jeopardizing their lives by refusing to allow them to have medically necessary abortions. Fuck Texas Republicans. They should all be serving life without parole in

Regardless of which black man (they all look alike to Trump) was on that helicopter with trump, it wasn’t a near death experience and it didn’t crash. That shit’s all in Trump’s head.

Thank goodness toddlers’ bones are mostly made of rubber.

One of two things is true. Either now is a good time to cut losses and sell Boeing stock because they will go belly up from mismanagement, or this is an excellent time to buy depressed Boeing stock and hold it until somewhere down the line they get their shit together.

At least when gas powered cars burn, and they do, they tend to do it while out on the road and not while parked in your garage.

$1.5 billion isn't even couch cushion money for the Saudis. And speaking of couches, they'll be safe with Walz as VP.

Cheryl is dead to me.

Too soon. That’s the earliest memory I can place in time.