
Yep, imported Soviet steel that started rusting immediately.

For a while, I was forced to make do with only two cars: a 2006 Honda Element and 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C. The Element is the most practical car ever made. The 4C is the least practical car I could afford. While they do differ to a degree in intended usage, their similarities are striking. They’re both red, have four

Bernie told me personally that I could have as many cars as I want. But you’re partly right, I don’t need them. But I like them and I only drive one of them at a time. In fact, the last time I dropped the Spider Veloce off at the shop, I took the bus home. Moron.

I’m a Bernie supporter and have proudly never voted for a Republican in 42 years of voting. I have three Alfa Romeos (Spider Veloce, 4C, Giulia) and a Honda (Element). My wife has a Chevy Volt. Lying traitor Trump can bite my dick.

If only it was a two door coupe. Sigh.

The whole baby boomers vs. generation X vs. generation Y vs. generation whatever thing is just another made up identity politics outrage culture thing designed to keep us divided, distracted, and at each others throats while Wall Street sucks all of dry. ALL OF US. Wake the fuck up and see what's really going on.

Thanks for all the great reads. Gonna miss you.

If he's working for a Republican candidate, I would suggest he get a Lada. If he's working for Trump, he could consider upgrading that to a Zil.


There is nothing Alfa Romeo about this other than the badging. 


I thought Buicks were already the first Chinese cars sold in America.

Clearly, they’re all headed to a swinger’s retreat for the weekend.

I’d guess that most people clamoring for Peugeot to return to the American market have never had the misfortune of owning one. I bought a brand new Peugeot 405DL in 1989. That was the most unreliable vehicle I’ve ever owned. I was constantly having problems with the car’s electronic engine controls. I’d be driving

I just made another $100 contribution to Bernie’s campaign in response to Hillary’s comments. He’s going to have a big fundraising day today.

Ah, Lucas - the Prince of Darkness.

Why the fuck would anyone, especially a native Frenchman, move from France to the U.S., much less NJ? What the hell is wrong with this guy?

This x 1000.

You know, it always annoys me when people with no experience with Alfas write ill informed posts parroting other ill informed posts about their “poor” reliability. I own three Alfas: a 1984 Spider Veloce, a 2015 4C coupe, and a 2017 Giulia TI. I bought all of them used with 161000, 2000, and 34000 miles on them

I bought a brand new 1989 Peugeot 405 DL. It was the most unreliable car I have ever owned by a wide, wide margin. There’s no way in hell I’d ever buy another one.