
Holy shit, this dude is bitter.

I'm about 15% in at this point and really enjoying it. There's some really amazing artwork in it. I'm still getting used to the narrative styles, but yeah, it's great. For me it's kinda like Daniel Clowes meets Brian Selznick.

I mean, I don't represent Canada, but I'd say most people here consider him a dangerous idiot.

If you are listening to videos in a public place on speakers you are an asshole and deserve, at the very least, some evil eyes peering your way.

Yeah, if anyone has a reason to be paranoid about performing at the moment it'd be her.

Okay, I like that one. RED PILL

Isn't satire supposed to be funny?

Was gonna say the same thing. Not sure if it's sarcasm or sincerity.

Depeche Mode, I've been listening to a lot of Depeche Mode. Also, I listened to Echo and the Bunnymen yesterday.

If you're going to go that far then you should be mad he made fun of gorillas and sign language as well.

How is anyone going to make anything better than a Joe Lansdale book? It's impossible I say!

Zappa reference=up vote.

I just happen to be listening to Discharge – Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
at the moment, which seems like a good choice to accompany the article

Sure he is, but I think that makes him more interesting. It's not black or white, he has good and bad qualities and isn't just a good or bad guy, he's a person.

I want to see it a second time. I felt like they really kind of drip-fed what was going on very slowly, but knowing more about the the overall story (and having watched the video analysis) might make for a better second viewing.

The dispute(s) seems more fueled by Gail than Frank as far as I can tell.

I love Zappa, but this isn't my favorite interview with him. Certainly worth checking out though. I really like the Ray Bradbury interview in this series. I believe there's also a Maurice Sendak one that's quite good.

It's me David, I'm from the streets.

The movie wasn't originally intended to be about the murder of Zachary. The "twist" happened in real life and the documentary took a different direction. If anything it strengthened the impact, not lessened it.