
Actually it is also what happened in the book. Well the guards part. The scientist thing was added I believe.

So wait are you saying you prefer FtWD over TWD? Or are you saying it specifically to get a rise out of people.

Is Z-Nation worth watching? I remember watching part of the pilot and being completely unimpressed.

Why is that? The book series makes it known that the world has gone too complete ruin. The people who survive are those with ridiculous survival instincts. When I think of that, typically biologists, geneticists, and the like are not the first people who come to mind.

But that doesn't mean you would react that way.

True. And they probably should have called. At the same time, they went to talk to Lord Voldemort afterwards and he went missing from the hospital. Since he was not under arrest, their first course of action would be to find the son. Not go to the police to tell them that maybe he's not crazy and oh by the way he's

No one screams the zombie apocalypse is here. The only people screaming that are those people having a joke at the expense of everyone else.

FX makes it work. It is doable although definitely expensive and time consuming. I hope this is really only one or two seasons. "Fear" alludes to the beginning of the crisis. You break from that mold you basically just turn it into a rehash of TWD.

Actually I found all of that to be really believable.
1) What cop would take the rambling story of a heroin addict seriously?
2) Considering the fact the mom mentioned he had been in rehab before, it is most likely not his first time having issues with the cops. So why again would they find him believable?
3) He himself

Exactly! Not to mention we know more than the characters. No shit going to talk to zombie Calvin is a bad idea. Because we know that after 5 seasons. These people don't.

He coded. He wasn't dead yet. They were probably bringing him to a crash cart and/or to surgery.

Well no one knows how long the hospital has been unoccupied of nurses and the army. All you know is that his BFF and wife and kid left because they believed he was essentially dead and being told to evacuate. The army may have stayed there for a long while before realizing the situation was untenable.

Who knows. It's only been what…2 days…from when the guy wakes up to zombie Gloria to the end of the episode. If Gloria's parents know she's an addict, her disappearing for two days is likely not something that surprises them.
Also, it's LA. Chances are the cops are well aware that place is a drug haven and just avoid

No shit.
Not a comment about anything really but no shit. They said that. They said "if you are expecting 'The Walking Dead' you will be disappointed." It is a slow burn. It is not supposed to be "fast-paced."
How you didn't realize this from the 8 million promos reiterating this fact is quite impressive.

You can't be serious.

Maybe ten other people really enjoyed Land. But overall, it was pretty terrible. I honestly can't stand any of the movies outside of Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead.

They may have mentioned it in the show but has it really only been months from when Jimmy proposed Becca to now?

Lizzie's death is very similar to one they did in the book. I thought they handled it really well. Crazy and shocking but the source material is there.