Bryan Colangelo

This. What this show needs is what every show in it's 6th season needs — a massive risk.

Jason Alexander was supposed to be a surrogate for Dan Harmon. Compare Hamon and Alexander's hair and clothes from around that period. The whole episode is about the writers trying to escape Dan Harmon's shadow (and charisma and self-destructive tendencies) and turn the page.

I want Coach Taylor to be my dad. I'm 36 years old.

Is it just me or did they just give Keith David all the lines they would have given Donald Glover?

I'm torn between my deep admiration of Will Forte (he's a star, DAMMNIT!) and the fact this is a blatant rip-off of the premise of Y: The Last Man, albeit with a comic spin.

It really could have been just a matter of the exhibition getting what they paid for. Poor fabricator.

Co-sign this. Saw it in Toronto. Surprised by how large it was.

Joseph Kahn was "the" music video director for a while, until people his "style" trended out. It was essentially just throwing celebrities into whatever wacky set piece or scenario he could think of. Think Hype Williams or Dave LaChapelle, with cruder, more hamfisted and obvious taste. The apex of of Kahn career is

Is there an award for fucking with people? Sean O'Neal deserves it. I applaud you sir.

Don't worry guys. Knowing NBC, they'll just go to shit for a year and try to rehire everyone to do the show again.

Anyone want to kickstart $30-40 million? Because I think that's how much a season of Community costs to produce.

I don't know what to say. I actually started to believe that Dan Harmon had the ability to speak his wishes into reality.