
Took me a minute, and then another minute to see that there are two rows of titty. At first I though it was just around the chest, but there’s titty around the neck, too.  Like shark teeth.  

This goes beyond simply voting someone out. McConnell deserves an ass beating for being *directly* responsible for veterans not receiving proper care. It’s so fucking incredible how Kentuckians vote for this guy repeatedly.

Mitch came from rather humble backgrounds and had polio himself, but now wants to actively harm children who are struggling.

With nipples!  But without them, breasts would be pointless.

I really hope that Moscow Mitch is struck with a long, debilitating and painful disease that ends in a horrible death.

Agreed. Trump is an idiot who hurts people through his blundering and greed, but Mitch seems to have sat down and carefully planned out how best to erode democracy and build systems of exploitation.

In many ways, Mitch McConnell is worse than Donald Trump.

How do I make this my ringtone?

I’m not sure what kind of a study would lead to a different answer. Who would you study?
The onus needs be to taken off black people and put onto police officers. It seems doubtful, especially from all we’ve seen, that studying the interactions would suggest otherwise. Until that happens, in an individual case, the

Worrying about what “plays into” whatever narrative he wants to spin is pointless. Have you even seen how much bullshit conservative media just spins out of thin air? And all in service of the guy who lies about damn near everything he thinks about. Even when looking at photos of his own inauguration, he lied about

They've been told for 3 years now.  They're not gonna listen. 

I'm so,so fucking over them. And him.

The grays are now either MAGA chuds spewing racist garbage or Bernie Bros being Big Mad that the Splinter chuds are unemployable so they lost their site. You can barely tell them apart, actually.

I will not be spending a moment of my time explaining to the Bernie Bros who drifted over from Splinter why what Bernie said was totally wrong. Figure it out yourselves. Google the shit.

Agreed. Addiction is a motherfucker 

Oh, the former owes her political career to Bernies inspiraiton\support.

Here come the white folk to tell you what’s best for black people.

BUT HE MARCHED WITH MLK!!! Ugh why why why do they keep pushing this fool down my throat?!

This is beyond being tone-deaf and out of touch. I think Bernie probably just doesn’t give a shit. I’m still more disappointed in Ocasio-Cortez and Omar are backing this fool.

Go home, Bernie. Go home.