
Neal Katyal for PRESIDENT! He is the voice of reason and intellect on this whole saga.  He makes me hopeful this Orange Atomic Pimple will BURST and go away!

Seeing her on Dynasty as a young teen was so inspiring! It was must-see-tv for my mom and I. Such fond memories of that time. Diahann was the original BAD BITCH!!  Rest in power, our Black Goddess....

Just watching that clown this morning pretend black is white and up is down before the reporters, I am losing hope even this will get Republicans to stop their support. November 2020 is our only hope, and I do not care if we/Dems nominate the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air....he gets my vote!!

The muthafucker was using Wikipedia to support his outlandish claims!! What a fucking dotard!

THANK YOU SHERRILYN!! She is never wrong!!

1000% agree! The judge was disgraceful. She also gave Guyger her own personal Bible.... Really?

That ANUS mouth is really creeping me out....

I’m with you, PJ, except I binged watched some great shows, besides watching the NBA and Professional tennis (Serena, specifically) for my sports fixes....

To all of the Bernie apologists, let’s just agree to disagree.

He’s just fucking gross....

I hope he does. I wish him well, but ill never forgive him trashing HRC (and staying in the primary too long) and his tone-deafness when it comes to black and brown WORKING CLASS voters. Oh, and constantly mentioning MLK!

Dump is getting his comeuppance....I love every minute of it. Let him stew, twist, shit, spit, curse and tweet.... He is literally self-destructing....and the silence from rank and file Republicans is DEAFENING.... Get the popcorn, folks!!

Several pundits this afternoon, commented that this story was planted by Dump sympathizers to do, 1. Change subject from Ukraine and 2. To actually rally his base. They’re sick and think these ideas are laudable. 

Her more complete quote was....

I am in tears... Gregory Hines was my first love....he was indeed --tall, tan and terrific. He is sorely missed.... RIP, sweet sandman.

Tapper v. Jim Jordan was epic as well. And now, the Scott Pelley v Kevin McCarthy interview is must-see-tv....  The anchors are getting better.  Even sleep Chuck Tood tried to keep Scalise in line, with less success. 

JHARREL! Yes! I sobbed when they called his name!

BOOM! Goes the dynamite!

It gives me the heebee-yeezys that Kardashian fingerprints are all over at least 2 of the top 5 on the list. Ugh. It sickens me that these idiots have essentially given the keys of their kingdoms to these whore-ish, opportunistic white women....

What a terrific story! I was just reading another story about her being discovered at Howard’s Homecoming.... Wow!  Fantastic and much success!