
You have to begin to question, what exactly is Twitch’s cut of profits going towards?

Travel to the future, go to UbisoftLand. Buy ticket, enter park, promptly robbed by employee. Walk around park to first ride, enter queue only to be told by employee that an upgraded “UbiPass” is required to ride this ride. Repeat at each ride. Go to get some food at concession stand order hotdog. Receive literal

They might have some globally recognized” characters, but they aren’t motherfuckin’ Nintendo. I know fans of Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed, etc, and their support of those franchises pales in comparison to Nintendo stans. And I sure don’t know anyone that is a fan of Ubisoft as a company, even before their complete shit

At Disneyworld, they *figuratively* assault your wallet.

I dunno man, that sounds a lot like being a rape apologist.

I can’t wait to get sexually harassed and/or assaulted there.

My husband backed the Kickstarter campaign. He’s played all the previous games to death and was really looking forward to it; we even went to the launch event in Cambridge. His experience of the game has been that it has been something of a disappointment, he hasn’t played half as much of it as he expected to, every

The game is really only gonna be done once the console releases are ready, this is totally still early access honestly.

I won’t recommend you to buy it before the console releases 

funny thing is by the time the bugs are fixed....and Frontier developments make another expansion and perhaps a few more full games ...Star citizen will still be in alpha lol

The “alpha public test” ran in weekly phases from 29 Mar to 05 May. Access was limited to those that had a lifetime pass or had pre-purchased the Odyssey Deluxe edition. PC only since consoles aren’t getting the expansion for a long while (not even available for pre-order yet).

+1, i was disappointed by the lack of any direction or interconnected story. Played a couple years ago during the big mining rush with the “eggs”. The only stimulating part was the community.

This actually was pretty much to be expected.

The FPS isn’t integrated into the rest of the game. It is basically a separate game that uses the same maps.

The apology should come with the game at this point. Save everyone the time.

I’m a bit concerned about his apology. He was apologizing for performance issues.

Worth noting - their fiscal quarter ends in a week. Sure seems like they needed to push this out the door for that. Once again, quarterly/annual reports seem to have rushed out a game for the sake of the short-term bottom line at the expense of the reputation of the developer/game and the frustration of a fiercely

I’m glad I held off until reviews came in. My larger concern was that the aimless nature of the game would be very apparent in the on-foot gameplay too. I was hoping for big, coordinated heists or something, similar to GTA V, and not just a bunch of fetch or assassination quests that play out roughly the same way

I’d honestly place them over the Corpse Spiders or Flukemon on this list. It's a terrifying initial experience but once you've seen the trick they're trivial. These guys can pack a punch if you're not careful. Especially when they're mixed with other enemies.

You and I are on the same page.