
I am extremely interested in the dog part. Please start interviewing streaming to find out why they hate animals.

Your mall still has a Sears?

I rarely comment either but I will always star a JNCOs reference.

What Twitch streamers are you people watching?

...found the guy who’s mad about cleavage in streams. ;)

Explain to me please, why does it matter? You’re not required to watch those streamers. You’ll barely see them for more than a few seconds while scrolling through the list. I’ve never understand the attitude against it. If they were nude, I could understand. So I’d like for you to explain why it matters and this is

Amen. This is the weakest fucking argument against an incredibly generous dress code. Asking people to adhere to a dress code isn’t the goddamn misogynistic fascist coup that the twitter feminazis want to make it into

Or if its an outdoor mall in California. a Bikini or speedo will do...

For the entire two hours I spent at Westfield Mall in San Francisco yesterday evening, I never once saw mall security

What is “A Mall?” Does Amazon carry those?

It’s easy not to lose your wallet with a chain attaching it to your JNCOs

My choir (as well as many others) performs at the mall during the holidays. I’m in a tux, the students in concert dress: white shirt, black pants/skirt. Clean and professional looking. There you go Streamers, class up Twitter!

Hot Topic is no longer the edgelord store it used to be. Now it’s the go-to place for nerdy game and anime t-shirts.

Does that wallet have a chain on it? Or even worse one of those metal bead chains?

Perhaps dress like Tony Macaroni, Houston’s resident 70s-style pimp. He walks around the Galleria about twice a week in the craziest ensembles, looking for action.

Are those...curved escalators? What sorcery is this?

My roommate’s ex-boyfriend has sex in the men’s bathroom with security guards about 100 ft from where you took those picture. He dresses like a typical San Franciscan.

Mr. Grayson, Hot Topic has not “ruled” since I was in college—and I graduated damned near fifteen years ago now.

It is and always has been the anti-Abercrombie and Fitch. It is the uniform store for “non-conformists” to show just how much they refuse to conform by dressing just like everyone else who refuses to conform.

“should be appropriate for a public street, mall, or restaurant.”