Sesame Street Fighter is a basic little fighting game for browsers that, instead of asking for combos and special…
Sesame Street Fighter is a basic little fighting game for browsers that, instead of asking for combos and special…
Mikhail Rakhmatullin and Joshua Min are two of the artists who worked on Netflix’s Stranger Things. Here’s a…
Ah... Kotaku... Go back far enough and you will remember the days of a comments section that didn’t drive you to murder... Back when people with stars next to their profile pictures were the cool kids, and everyone knew it.
I’ve been reading since late 2005. Things have definitely changed a lot. I do miss having two Brians and two Michaels, seeing lots of cakes, and reading about the latest prophecies of industry oracle Michael Pachter.
Hell, I’m pretty sure I’ve been around here for around 10 years or so. I remember starting to read the articles through the link that used to be on Game Crazy’s (remember them?) website, then just started posting soon after.
I wait patiently for the inevitable future when kotaku becomes a sub-blog of Snacktaku and all of you are forced to live off of the crumbs that fall from the mighty beard of Fahey
I remember every last one of these articles.
Should the new ownership change the direction of Kotaku in a significant fashion, I’ll keep reading until the old crew leaves. That won’t be out of disrespect for any new hires—who will, after all, only be doing the jobs they were hired to do—but rather because in the ten…
Call me part of the minority, but I loved Mass Effect 3. Don’t get me wrong, the ending definitely left something to be desired, but I though the game was excellent. Not as excellent as ME2, but still excellent.
I’m only kidding, although I do find Snack reviews silly.
All this post reminded me is there has been an unforgivable lack of Kotaku fish in quite some time...
20-somethings? I hate all of you.
You mean fun shit, you monster.
Should post about dumb shit Kotaku STILL post, like Snackatu reviews... :D
I’ve been working at Kotaku for *checks watch* nearly ten years now. In that time I’ve seen a lot of things change,…
No Man’s Sky fans have long wondered whether it’s possible to see other players if they’re on the same planet. The…
No, but this is also a Summer Olympics being held in winter.
“No no, he’s resting.”