
HOLY SMOKES did this make a difference for my computer!

Half-Life NO

When you gotta go, you gotta GO!

Sadly I never did go further with it. It’s just a very hard sort of profession to get into and not really many needed in the world. I’ll stick with playing coaster video games and riding them. I am pretty happy with what I get to do now, so I don’t feel like I have really missed out on a dream job. :)

Loved it! I still do, as well as NoLimits 2! :)

As a kid I was obsessed with roller coasters and was obsessed with doing everything I could do grow up to be a coaster designer. I used to call amusement parks to ask about their coasters and their history. I even called coaster design and engineering companies to ask what I needed to study to be able to be a coaster

So I know Overwatch is the new hotness right now, but as someone who has not yet played it I have got to say none of the highlights of that game make sense. Just looks like chaotic first person movement and someone usually dying.

You know, after I finished the game, (absolutely incredible, btw!), and was watching the credits I was thinking how cool it would be to be able to pause time and fly around to take screenshots. Glad id thought the same thing!

2 clicks! Dang, didn’t expect that.

You know, I was slightly terrified of these until your review, now I’m curious. Don’t know if I’m curious enough to take a trip to the nearest BK, though.

I... I’m not sure...

Laughing way too hard at this comment!

The system will never aim for keeping less people in prison as long as prison is a for-profit business, which is fucking disgusting.

These sound like something I would really enjoy! Sadly, I don’t have any handhelds and I want the puzzles that aren’t included in the iOS version.

I just bought it and the timing was perfect. Told myself I would buy it for myself when I hit my fitness goals. JUST hit that goal Tuesday but held off for a while.... looks like the wait was worth it.

Fantastic article/interview. I’ve been fascinated with Robert’s games since I first discovered them when looking for things to use my Leap Motion with, (spanking with Leap is actually probably it’s only decent use).

I dunno.... I think Robert Yang and me have the same taste in men, haha. Although I’m not really into the s&m stuff.

This is one of those rare games I’ve been excitedly following for years. They’ve done a great job in keeping everyone in the dark about progress and release dates. Not it’s less than a month away and I’m so excited!

Jumping down from the Prydwen wearing power armor while in VR is going to be a pant-wetting thrill!