
If TCU were TMU, they probably would have taught you how to spell "into", too.

Agreed, but I think the title is unnecessarily inflammatory.

The review was written by a bear. He smells like salmon.

Okay, Peter, we gave you the benefit of the doubt on "Arian Nation" a few years back because we figured it was possible a big ol' goofy guy like you didn't know about the white supremacist group, but now fuck you, you fucking douchebag.

Humanity has come up with some dumb shit over the years, but the whole "fuck her right in the pussy" thing is particularly embarrassing.

ESPN reacted by immediately reinstating Keith Law, saying that this was the long-awaited proof of inherited traits that the evolutionists had been promising.

Schmidt had to cut the interview short as she needed to get back to help planning the school's annual "Miss Cegenation" pageant.

Yeah, then I won't know if someone else has posted something like, I dunno, say...

I'm not sure I've ever said this before to any person ever but: the starving film students were 100% correct.

It's a bad scene. From the bad two-angle cut of Lawrence in the middle of "Carmine, Carmine," to the awkward pan-and-scan style camera work as she grabs the magazine, to the wasted time on dialogue, including several seconds of spent in silence reading the journal. And of course, the mind boggling explicit reference

For a million dollars, it's a lot. However, I don't think the case is without merit.

I wish they were angry at the other things he's said but hey, at least it's a start.

Wait, someone else watched Reaper? I'M NOT ALONE!!!

Oversimplified comment. But yeah.

He was/is a terrible NFL quarterback. If he was willing to play another position like fullback or tight-end then he would still be in the league today.

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

Delusional, really? Could a person suffering from delusions carefully shade in a huge, perfectly identical, "TMZ" logo on each page?

We just rewatched this the other night. Still really good, underrated Halloween movie. Highly recommend too.

This is truly awesome, but somehow it makes me all the more disappointed by her inability to get those pliers off the goddamn floor.

They only make you feel like shit if the cereal bowl you fill it in is large enough to mix cake ingredients, which is the only way I'll have it.