
Actually, having seen the process firsthand, it often is an accident. The real problem in this case is that the cross between state and city laws get seriously confusing and conflicting. My guess is that it is 'accidental' but that the law enforcement people have prevented any clarifying change because it gives them

New York, especially NYC, has really poorly written laws regarding knives. In an attempt to outlaw things like switchblades, they assed laws against 'gravity' knives. The law is so poorly written though that any lock back knife can be interpreted as illegal.

I have little doubt that now that the Nigerian government has asked for help we will do everything we can. Already announced we are sending agents over to help. Safe to assume we are going to use satellite and drone technology to help. The truth is we need to pretend we aren't taking the lead in order for Nigeria to

Uhmmmm, no. Porn does not equal penetration. What you are trying to do is what is disingenuous

Porn is porn and from what I have read this was an actual video and not just a pictorial. Why would it matter anyway?

Uhmmm, did you notice the whole toplessness thing?

I am not a lady.

Never called her unattractive.

Do you have any idea how many pretty women there are trying to make it in Hollywood? Cameron Diaz certainly doesn't stick out. On a side note, actually saw these three women in person when they were filming out here on Long Island, Mann and Upton were both better looking and according to locals who actually dealt with

Uhmmm, no (I am a man with zero interest in fame or acting by the way so not sure what I would be jealous of). I have absolutely nothing against either Mann or Upton. Diaz is simply terrible and keeps failing upwards. It annoys me.

I have no idea, just a theory (though I have heard a couple of rumors but don't know what they are worth) but, considering she did S&M porn before hitting it big in Hollywood, has no discernible acting talent, really isn't that attractive when compared to the bevy of beautiful women in Hollywood trying to make it, I

Cameron Diaz sucks even harder. The only explanation for her success is that she let every producer and director in Hollywood stick it in her ass.

The whole reason you rare writing this article is because of the World's Fair Pavilion and the debate of what to do with it. Well the big problem with the crux of this article is that it leaves out one major fact, Johnson did not design this by himself but with another very well know and famous architect, Lev Zetlin,

Probably? Being awfully generous there. By the way, the man who did Mt. Rushmore was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

I tend to agree with you. I actually give her a bit of a pass on the Bieber thing simply for the fact that one can't hold it against someone for who they 'fall in love' (or at least think they fall in love) with. I have made some pretty big mistakes in that department myself.

I actually find her by far the least obnoxious of that whole crew. She has never annoyed me the way the others do. The only complaint I really have about her (besides not being a good actor) is that she dates/dated Justin Bieber.

Handsome Pete is always welcome.


Let's face it, there are really only 3 'sex tapes' that were highly successful- Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.