
Sailor Moon, which is Japanese. I guess they didn't find the original joke offensive enough so they decided to portray Chinese and Japanese as the same.

Notice the only things no one has bid on are the Robert California props. There's a shock.

Something about money and happiness. I wish I could remember how that expression goes.

Now playing

I'm sorry, but why would anyone want to make a cat vegetarian?

The best part of her biography is that she was kicked out of her first college (Emory) for parachuting out a 4th story window.

I actually really liked Ben & Kate.Thought it was one of the better new shows last year. Too bad it got cancelled. I felt like it was coming into it's own at the end.

Only if you want Janis to be the saddest sad sack in sad sack history.

Only Yankee fans could consider a decade where they had more wins than other team as "turning to shit". What a pack of spoiled brats.

This has to do with him being a rat and trying to take everyone down with him, not because he did PEDs. No other PED user (who has been caught) has been thrown at.

Me neither. Her initial reaction was a little whacky and hostile but once she figured it out it kind of became a nice conversation.

Listen to her when she is on the Comedy Bang Bang podcasts. Funny stuff.

Agree totally. As a man I can tell you one thing- guys who can't stop talking about how big their penis either 1) have a tiny penis or 2) are total assholes or 3) both.

Granted I am a heterosexual male so maybe I am unqualified to make a judgement about his 'sexiness' but every time I see Robin Thicke all I can think is "So this is what Alan Thicke would be like if he was a douchebag".

I am kind of with you. Her recurring characters on Saturday Night Live were absolutely awful. However, outside of SNL I generally find her pretty funny. It isn't nearly as bad as the success of Jimmy Fallon which in my mind is 100% based on 'likeability' as opposed to actually being funny.

THe bride is head comedy writer for the show. I have a hunch she was more than fine with it.

I am taking this chance to mention that the MacGyver movie was actually pretty funny. Recommended. I know it was very trendy and cool to bash it when it came out but not a single one of those people actually saw it. Sooooo much better than most of the other SNL films.

No problem. Maybe you should do both because my experience is that some people really hate PBR while others love it. Keystone Light is a good 'safe' beer for those who don't like PBR

"Second chance beer" means that, once all mashing/lautering has occured, you just dump strike water in again, mash, and drain and voila! Another beer!

I just realized I misread Keystone as Keystone Light so just ignore entire previous rant.

I seriously don't get how people can complain that Keystone tastes terrible. It is probably one of the most tasteless beers around and the closest beer it tastes like is Coors Light. In fact it tastes so much like Coors Light that there are several urban legends that Keystone Light is basically just a 'second chance