Brutus the Bear

That’s how I perceive that phrase. You’re not imposing your view, you’re offering it up to open the discussion. Not sure what that professor is whining about anyways; in term papers and everything you submit formally, you have to back up your text with references, so that phrase can only be used during class

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.

That people are time travelling from sometime early in the 20th or possibly 19th or 18th century and have figured out how to use twitter is truly the big news here.

This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused

I have to admit this is pretty damn endearing.

I think it was nice of Shia to call him. I mean, what can you say when some random person sustains a closed head injury because he looks like you?

I think this is a pretty classy move that doesn’t deserve snark.