
Ladies and Gentlemen, this isn't photoshopped. What you expect is a modified series of photos of people given smaller legs and bigger butts and boobs is a lie. What you're looking at is computer animation spared at no expense to make the Kardashian Klan look life-like. And the result? Money well wasted, for no amount

Kobe's wife started getting suspicious about his cheating when he kept claiming to having to head out of town for "away games" during the NBA lockout. Normally, he would come home to ice his knees and feet during NBA games, rather, he was coming home icing his crotch.

That was fucking holding, ref.

We've got years to see if Tebow will run a dogfighting competition, have meltdowns on the sidelines, and getting shot at by girlfriends, now don't we?

Say what you will about Tebow, but here's a fun idea: What if Tebow was black?

He's making a million working as a living sculpture on Easter Island.

Yeah, I thought I was the only one who saw boobs.

I know where my cousin Jesus is, he's back home working on his English Degree. He's a terrible speller, but that doesn't deter him. I do have to see how he's doing, it's been a few years since we've sat down and just talked.

I love that gif.

Don Imus said "As Long As TeBow Ain't No Nappy-Headed Girlie, I got no problems. Wait, he doesn't have braids in his hair? Shit, I don't care for dat nigga, then".

Man, that's EXTREME!

Literally she had to MMMM and ERRR to clarify the point she made because literally no one understood her the first time she needed something. Her offspring might have end up being a scat singer with all the improvised language is surrounded by. Literally.

Wade Phillips is giggling in his own little corner.

I think "icing the kicker" should be a penalty on any coach who calls that damn timeout right before a field goal. The coach regardless of which side of the ball calls it is a penalty of 30 yards.

Read it twice, emailed a friend at Frog Design who laughed at the article and confirmed with him the specs and details.

I think Frog Design did more than just designed the front plate:

Meanwhile, Emmanuel Lewis could not save Alex Karras from falling asleep between takes once the writers caught on that "we're a poor man's Diff'rent Strokes" and put no effort into dialogue, just 20 minutes per episode of Webster smiling to the camera.

I dunno. I think he may be with the Furcal "yeah, I was really 16 when they signed me to my contract" story line.

Welcome to being a fan of Alex Rodriguez when he was a Ranger.

He preferred Stonewall, quiet, in the way, but wearing a silly outfit. The mute Colossus.