Brutal Calves

I like it..

How about an order of those rancid Swedish meatballs for $1?

Only a matter of minutes before this gets cross posted on Gawker and starts a shitstorm...

After reading those 2 articles on Speedhunters, I was impressed with Horacio Pagani, his vision as well as his passion for making cars:


I visited Aston Martin around 15 years ago (quite traditional with old craftsmen along with newer technolgies, really liked it) but I would definitely like to see Pagani...

From the number of orders it seems like the "eco" part of the name will not affect sales. That would be refreshing.

The Ibuki was wonderful in its simplicity and clean lines.

After seeing one up close, it is indeed a very good looking car.

Locking pliers, very useful as a multi-size wrench and also when you need to hold 2 things together while grabbing another tool.

There can be only one S1:

Great video, I remember those days... The Castrol Celica ST185 is one of the best looking rally cars ever for me.

Audi has disgraced its history...

The great Michelle Mouton has been mentioned already so I'd like to propose:

They tried to correct it but the scheming patriarchy prevented them...

Now playing

I was expecting a different four letter word.

I'll never get tired of saying Audi should cut the crap and rename this car.

I like this car, quite unique looks and a supercharger, but:


Gigi Galli...