he really did embarrass me didn't he? oh well, i gave it a good run.
he really did embarrass me didn't he? oh well, i gave it a good run.
hmmmm. someone has got a little thing for me, don't they?
me either. but i'm still entitled to dissent...am i not?
i'm actually 9! LOL
i'd call him "hammy" if i knew him closely.
meep meep mother fucker
i don't frequent the atlantic, but i will look into it.
yeah...italian or chinese. good call. mexican too sometimes.
then you sir/ma'am are quite sheltered.
that's generally true.
and where might your evidence be? the fact that the media is blowing up another non fucking story as usual? is that your evidence?
i went once as a kid. otherwise, i don't frequent that eatery.
could, but don't. what else?
yeah? and why do you give a shit that this dude was "pranked" about a fake chick? what about it interests you?
you took my comment, and sort of shaped your comment around it...that was fancy
a metric tonne?
go play in traffic? quite the zippy come backer. dissenting comments not allowed. understood.
unasked? it's a comment section isn't it? that's sort of implied for all registered users to comment
wouldn't be a gawker media story without bias and typos