
i'll agree 100%, however i don't see it as a disorder. i am a fairly big fella i guess...6 foot, about 240. and i EAT...i mean, i shovel is don at times. not even thinking about it. if it tastes good, then i want more of it. and i know that we are supposed to eat healthy and blah, blah...but damn throw a

damn is that funny....well done

first off...taking a nap during the day is out of the question for us gainfully employed.

that's pretty damn fantastic

sorry, but does that mean if the wifi connection is garbage, it'll just kick over to cellular without any intervention from the user and keep going? kinda like a "use the best thing available" type thing?

oh man. how cool would that be. i needs me some mars videos

i was wondering the same thing. or how about video? i'd love sounds or video. and i think that is the issue i'm wrestling with myself. trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this is mars....amazing.

i just think to myself how bizarre it must be there. like, i know the robot is a robot....but (from my belief and understanding) that is the only moving "being" on that planet right now. must be eerie as hell. and does curiosity record video or sounds at all? i would LOVE to see video or hear what it sounds like on

i'm stressed beyond belief...let's talk

no question that hasn't already been answered, but more a chance just to say that this redesigned service is outstanding, and it got me away from gmail. i thought that would never happen. bravo team.


yeah, that's us alright. and to anyone else wondering 6:56 is there the reporter says "if it all seems slightly american"

i just looked at the simple website, and i literally have no idea what the main advantages are over my bank. is simple a bank or something. can someone with actual knowledge explain to me why i would want this service, what it does, and why they use the tag line "get ready to leave your bank"?

disregard this post. sorry

if it all seems slightly american? what does that mean? i assume they mean all flash and far too much commotion?

this may be the coolest and most positive person i've ever seen. god bless you talia.

plus open it under an account you use for nothing else and kill it off when needed. not saying i've done that at least 5-6times or anything. just saying is all.

oh bravo!!!

watch a friends sex tape...hmmmm. depends. do i see his piece alot? if so, no. if it's gonzo style...maybe.

i HATE when you guys put up cool links...then they load SOOOOO slow.