
exactly. hence it being a comment and not a submitted story.

i don't make a big deal as in i'm not the "oh my god, i'm SUCH a big fan...can i have your autograph" type of person. but if the topic comes up (as it did here) i will share.

good point. i guess because it's not much of a story so much as it was just something small time. these stories are better than this.

yes. when faced with a mountain lion is it best to play dead? or attempt to engage it in actual combat?

it's 2007, and i'm staying in the ren cen in detroit as i was there on a business trip. i wasn't aware at the time, but this was during wrestlemania 23 (i hadn't payed attention to wresting really). seems that most celebs, athletes and the sort stay at the ren cen when in town for events. so i'm in an elevator heading

i love how the gist of this post is how it's inconvenient to everyone else for a child to be there when in reality is IS bad parenting to take a child to a fucking midnight showing of a movie. or how about to a midnight ANYTHING?? for fucks don't take your 3 month old out and around at midnight. that's just

it's like Ronnie B said once for a radio contest he was running back in the day

this guy really is awesome.

yes. also quite true. maybe even more so true.

what you didn't see was right after the photo was taken, the pedobear was quoted as saying "i just can't do this"

fitting that SJP endorses the dems seeing as how she's their inspiration for their logo

NO ONE would screw with you with this thing on. bad ass

anyone know what chrome uses as far as data is concerned? i know opera mini uses less, but does chrome as well? that would put me over the edge to use it full time.

i'm going to level with you and everyone here. i literally have no idea what that article was even about. the dead person at the start seemed to have no place in the was just disjointed...i guess it's just me, but this was overall a confusing if not angering read.

dude....i remember exactly where i was when i saw that run. it literally went as follows...


as soon as you say wes anderson i'm in. regardless.

according to his new directions, you log out of you account completely before setting it up on your phone. now what those certificates are really doing is the question...but then again, tons of us took the leap with jailbreaking didn't we? did we really know what is was doing when we did it?

not that i agree with what he's doing, but it's damn impressive to circumvent the process to his degree.

sorry..but am i the only one who literally has an inbox like this? it's called folders people....FOLDERS...