ugh...ok. sorry.
ugh...ok. sorry.
understood. but when you are right next to the router and are the only wireless device on the network, while having a G connection....hmmmm
i'd hope so too. nest stop...50/20! or give me 75 down...i'm good with that
i would think not. i got the 35/35 and i've been pulling 45/30 consistently. i'm real happy with that. although thee is a HUGE drop off on wireless. like a 10/8 results kind of drop off.
yeah, but at what cost? they tend to charge alot for the big time speeds. and maybe rightfully so, but this seems more like a "hey we got it, but you'll never go for it" type of thing
"Are those few words of copy worth fretting over? Probably not; we believe in picking our battles with this stuff."
sorry...but the American dick nutting on the Canadian maple leaf may be the best picture I've ever seen
Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car!!
good stuff. i've just always wondered where it all comes from i guess. can track some things to their base and say, that's where it all starts. i had always wondered that about something as immense as the internet.
ok, so this was really interesting and kind of brings me back to the question i've always had, but can never find a straight answer. so....there are obviously "central hubs" across the world that....sort of are the end point for all the interwebs and, apparently this is the one for us here in he good ole…
bravo sir...bravo. horsey jessica parker FTW
this guy is like super epic hyper
nothing is correct. excellent observation.
Yeah. Seeing this makes me really mad at myself when I get pissed over stupid small shit like I do. And this guy has CF and he's still rockin the shit. Good for you little man. Love stuff like this. Makes all the bad shit slightly less bad for a moment or two.
Damn right bro
twins i shot 3+ months out the window....and now poor to boot!!
i have to disagree with the wipes there as a father of twin 2 year old girls. those wipes actually work better for removing the shit in the vag because you can get in there with em if needed. the water doesn't always get in there fully (something about the lips not opening all the way or whatever) and at least with…