
Leave them be and let them be pathetic, even if it is a control thing for some of them. Many of them are probably incapable of interacting with real women in any normal, healthy fashion anyway, so it’s better to have them act out their desires on an inanimate object than on a non-consenting woman.

Can’t do the time? Don’t do the crime.

Most men don’t have sex dolls.

Are you really going to use triggered unironically?

Men set places for their sex dolls at their dinner table?

This is true for YOU. Probably true for a lot of other women. But there’s always a subset who will feel the opposite of you, who will pretend their sex doll is a real person during coitus. Be careful about using your own opinion to state something as a fact.

As a guy this turns me the everloving fuck on. If their future sextape is released, report on it. *flies out*

So that’s the problem then, that they’re perhaps lonely and treating them as human beings? Really? You people pick the most far-fetched things to be mad about.

You mean role-playing? People in relationships also role-play rape, it’s nothing new.

LOL is right!......You keep saying some guys are so triggered by it when you are the one posting about it over and over.

I am ALL for consenting to fuck and play how any involved adults agree to go about it... That being said, it is enraging that there is a market for men who want a machine that has the parts and aesthetic of a woman, but also a machine intended solely to submit, that does only as told AND ESPECIALLY one that looks like

You are sure of that? And where do you derive your special knowledge...I mean other than pulling it out of your ass?

The doc I saw about this company pointed out that they make a male version that sells just as well as the female version! So a dildo with a body attached.

I saw a documentary on this. And the men who bought these dolls...the customers...I got that creepy scalp feeling from them. There was even a married guy who had one of these dolls too.

How am I taking this personally? I’m not allowed to hold an opinion?

You know there are male sex dolls for women as well, right? Educate yourself before speaking up.

That’s your subjective take on it. Same as girls not needing dildos, they could just use their fingers.

Because how dare these people have sexual needs! But it’s okay when women use dildos.

Because how they dare have sexual needs!