
Yet I do believe that the studios are at the heart of the blame and that the scandal is at least partly owed to the PC society we live in where you always have to include a minority everywhere or you get called racist. I say this as a Latin American person, before I get yelled at for white privilege.

Followed by Mid-Life Crisis Musical.

One could make a point that Carrey's performance is quite close to Count Olaf in the first three books, however. I love the first half of the series because the evil in Olaf is so silly it becomes cartoonish, even when it's clear he's a horrible character.

I accessed Hulu from Latin America with no issues about a year ago, did anything change? Using a VPN and a US-based prepaid credit card did it for me.

Useless character information? Did anyone call for GRRM?

It wouldn't help to lengthen the show, either. The seventh book won't be out before 2020, which means the writers would have to stretch the existing and book 6 storylines for at least four years, and that's if they're lucky and GRRM writes quickly (which he hasn't since 2000) and doesn't die to a stroke. It means

Gotta admit there's a bit of a difference, tho. Pratchett didn't leave a series hanging, which Martin is likely to do. The Discworld series, Pratchett's main body of work, didn't have an overarching narrative and therefore wasn't left incomplete - it just ended. One of the last books even foresaw big changes to come

You speak as if your average american even knew who Socrates was.

Ugh, now I can't find where I read that.

You might be right there. The other Kubrick adaptations that are wildly famous (A Clockwork Orange and 2001) are both known for deviating from the source material to the point where they are Kubrick's vision of the story, not actual adaptations.

I loved both The Babadook and It Follows. So there.

Well, a bunch of us liked it partly because of its visual design and partly because it isn't [Insert random american horror movie here where EITHER the monster is killed/curse lifted with an exorcism because Catholicism OR for some reason people turn to zombies OR somebody goes on a gruesome killing spree just

Half the movies there aren't scary tho. I found It Follows way scarier than, let's say, The Others or Let The Right One In. I think this is choosing the best horror movies not in the sense that they keep you from sleeping at night but in the sense that they are overall enjoyable movies whose quality can be difficult

I think the pool idea came from their relatively little knowledge of electricity and having been fed stories of people dying when they're on the tub and OH LOOK SOMEBODY CAME WITH A PLUGGED IN TOASTER AND THREW IT IN HERE!.

Or Pierce Brosnan *shudders*


I keep thinking how Frank N' Further has always seemed to be a gross, poor excuse of a transvestite. It's like, the character is supposed to be noticeably a man. To have Laverne, a transwoman, play it is… odd.

I tried to watch it, but just couldn't. I think maybe it was too episodic for my taste, since I tend to go more for serialized comedies even when I like the odd episodic one (I'm a fan of Big Bang Theory, for example).

Wait, there are men who watch New Girl? This is news to me, I always saw it as the meta for a girly romcom (And a terrible comedy to boot).

And isn't it? That should be easy enough to measure, just check out how many of the subscriptions they have are watching Netflix-produced content. I know I've watched UKS, OitNB, Daredevil and HoC, for example. If you take a person's viewing habits to account you can easily guess whether their own content is important