
If you start with the part people like then people are going to leave five minutes in. Didn't you see the Simpsons episode with Beethoven's Fifth, where everyone left after the intro because that was the important part?

You can write stories after Harry's time.

I haven't really read much of his most recent work, mostly because I'm hell-bent on first reading old King so I can get through the Dark Tower without missing references.

As a longtime (Well, as long-time as a guy born in 1987 who first read a King book in 2003 can be) King reader, I must agree grabbing a new King book to read is a bit like spinning a roulette.

That or a homophobic slur/thought are the main ways to know a S.K. character is the antagonist.

You can always try with the Babadook if It fails.

I didn't like the book :(

To be fair, in this very specific case the build up was so huge there was no way to make the monster live up to the hype. King has indeed dropped the ball on endings quite often (The Stand's Deus Ex Machina comes to mind), but on It I can't help but give him a pass.

"I just can't picture a studio with the relevant financial clout having the guts to stick to the plot and tone of the book especially with regard to both Catholicism and Roger."

Yah, you try explaining a teenager who has been introduced to The Beatles that not EVERYONE listened to them back in the 60s and there were fifty forgettable songs for each hit of theirs. They'll just disregard you and keep dreaming about an era they never lived through (Though to be fair neither did I) where all

Yeah they kind of painted themselves into a corner with that joke. Not that anyone expected it to become the status quo.

I'd say the single fact that they made Mr. Harrison take Trump's place says enough about what their expectations on the presidential race were from the get-go.

Curiously enough, if you believe Adam Lambert's statements, he was offered the role of Dr. Frank before Fox went after Cox. He once said on Twitter he had rejected the role, since he felt playing a murderous, manic, clearly mannish transvestite was disrespectful for the transgender community and not something he'd

It also only streams sd/480p. Not that Hulu has an amazing streaming quality, what with barely offering 720p in 2016.

Raped to death by dickwolves? Is that one okay?

Considering Metzen is the senior storyteller at Blizzard, yes: This is all Metzen's fault, and his reluctance to hire a fucking dramaturg or, you know, an actual writer to fix his mess of a story is now hurting somebody other than Blizzard.

Well, it took quite the nosedive in Russia. It released to impressive numbers, but profits went down 60% between the first and the second weekend if boxoficemojo is to be believed.

Spend hundreds of millions of dollars on an animated film, then give it to Netflix or release it straight-to-video?

Actually, there is one. In a swamp or something. I read on a website.

Because you were expected to read their pulp fiction paperback books in order to understand the game.