
Then the fans who have brains found a way to pirate those items they wanted to charge for individually. I really don't think many people outside of either kids or the bored housewife demographic has ever bought anything from the sims store, really :P

Cinderella actually had a sequel already! Or something. I remember reading a recap on Wikipedia and throwing up.

Snow White and Pinocchio haven't. Also, one could argue Sleeping Beauty also didn't, since I'm not sure Maleficent counts. I don't want it to count.

I'm actually aware :P But you get my point. This thing lists not one, but two insane-black-woman-played-by-a-man as the most underrated movies of all time, while listing an apparent classic as an overrated movie. It just shows itself as a flawed system, and an article whose author should be ashamed of, since it seems

Funny thing: This chart actually takes general audiences as having a more worthy opinion than critics. By this standard, then, Mr. Bean movies are masterpieces while movies like Black Swan are horrible, horrible wastes of millions of dollars that could've been used to fund yet another Adam Sandler comedy.

For some reason I recall that Live on Broadway recording to be (or feel) much longer than the movie. I believe it's likely because of editing, hence why I wouldn't worry about taking someone to watch a live show - Being able to watch a filmed stage play takes a peculiar kind of person, much like watching a concert

Then again, if I'm going to show RENT to anyone you can bet your ass I'm showing them the movie version, unless I happen to have tickets to a live production that's certified to be good. It might be considered terrible by many, but in the end it's just a condensed version of the overtly-long stage play, and the one